Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Happenings

Here are a few picture to share a bit of our life here during the past month. We start with a lovely picture showing our beloved Jesse tree. It seems that although we had previously always thought of the Jesse Tree as a special tree used with our Advent devotionals Abby and Jake thought of a new meaning for it this year. Behold our Jessie (& Woody) Tree:

This next set of pictures is an example of what happens when you try to get a great looking picture of your four kids for the holiday card. All thoughts of cute matching outfits have gone out the door and as you can see, we're not even stressing much about hair at this point. We'd just love to have all four kids looking at one time!



Well... at least they're all looking...

Now, if you want to get individual pictures of them, that's another story... Zach is turning into quite the little ham.

And here he is eating his first ever Christmas cookie. I'd say he looks pretty pleased with it! His first introduction to sugar...let the cravings begin!