Sunday, March 28, 2010

Jake's 3rd Birthday

On Tuesday we had the joy of celebrating Jake's 3rd birthday. Since he's quite fascinated with all things boy, which includes cars, trucks, trains, and transportation in general, we threw him a construction-themed family birthday party. Above is his birthday cake.

Jake started off the day on Tuesday refusing to acknowledge that he was three. He just wanted to be two. By the end of the day he had changed his mind. A big part of the change was the fact that there was a 3 on his cake.

Showing off their construction hats which they each decorated. Jake's was a bit big and kept falling off!

Enjoying some of his gifts - a book from Great Grandma and a ND basketball from Grandma and Grandpa Dekker!

Eating cake! He had two pieces and wanted more! No early bed time for him!


Nick said...

Happy Birthday, Jake! Will loves the cake - he kept pointing at it and commenting on it.

Rebecca said...

The third picture from the bottom, Jake really looks a lot like Greg in his childhood photos!!