Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Health Report

How sad is it that the most blogable material in our lives right now is the current health condition of everyone in our family? Pathetic! Anyway, Abby, Annika, and Mike are all on the upswing. Annika continues to have a nasty morning cough but after being up a bit and drinking some juice it's much improved. Abby's nose has stopped running and now it's just her legs doing the running (all over the place!). Still in need of more repair are Lisa and Jake. Jake's rash is much improved and the doctor declared his ear infection all better. He still has a really runny nose which we are attributing to teething though and now he is also suffering from a bad reaction to some shots he got at the doctor Monday. His right leg is swollen, hard, red, and warm. Poor kid! I am still struggling with breathing issues. I tried not taking my inhaler and cough medicine today to see what would happen. Unfortunately, all the old symptoms came rushing back. Apparently I'm still not over whatever it is I have! It hurts to breath and I'm worn out - bummer!

In other health news... this week we have added another member of the family to care for. My sister, Jennifer, was involved in a head-on collision on Monday afternoon. She totaled the car she was driving when some woman turned left in front of her causing Jen to hit her. Jen broke her right knee and severely bruised her left knee when she hit the dashboard. She also hit her head on the steering wheel (no airbag) and has a nice black eye. It's been two days now since the crash and all of her body is aching from the trauma of the accident. She is slowly developing more and more bruises and looks like she's been through a war zone. She needs lots of prayer as she works hard to recover physically and emotionally. We're so thankful that she was not hurt more and that we all live nearby to help her as she mends.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I'm so glad Jen wasn't more seriously injured. It sounds like it could have been a lot worse.

As for you, young lady, you should keep taking those inhalers until your doctor gives you the all-clear to stop!!