Sunday, June 7, 2009

Proud Parents

Recently our girls have had the opportunity to show off things they have been learning all year. It's always fun to see then perform and both girls seem to enjoy being the center of attention.

The first event we attended was Annika's Watch Week at Gymnastics. She has been taking lessons since last September and we have enjoyed watching her confidence and coordination skyrocket as a result of her weekly trips to Gymco. They do a great job there of encouraging the students and building their self-esteem. Below are two videos of Annika showing off a couple things she's learned this year:

The next week we went to Abby's Dance Recital. This was Abby's second year in dance. Friends of ours took a video of her at the rehearsal but we don' t have it yet -- watch for it in a later post. We thought you might enjoy seeing a couple cute pictures of her though all dressed up!

The day after Abby's recital was Annika's piano recital. She played two pieces. One had to be memorized and the other she could use her music for. She did a wonderful job on both pieces as you can see/hear below!

Lastly, (just for fun) we thought we'd show you what happens when Annika gets ahold of the camera when Mom's not paying attention while driving! What a nut!


Rebecca said...

Love the videos. Tell Annika she did an amazing job. My favorite piece was "Drifting flight." She plays so musically and with such expression! Abby looks adorable in her dance outfit, too.

Nick said...

Great job all around! Excellent dynamics on Annika's second piano piece. And Will was laughing at her little goof-off video.