Thursday, October 1, 2009

Desperate Times...

Recently our sweet little boy has undergone a major change in his bedtime routine. For the first 29 months of his life he has always just gone to bed easily without fussing or needing any extra attention. It has been an amazing blessing! Starting last week Jake seems to have decided that he no longer likes going to bed. Now, after reading books, and putting him in his bed he stands back up, jumps up and down, and cries to be taken out of bed. The first night it started with calling for Mama and Daddy. Apparently that didn't work well enough because the next night he called for Mama, Daddy, Akka (Annika), Bebe (Abby). By the third night he was desperate to get out and he changed his cry to: Mama, Daddy, Akka, BeBe, Tate (the cat)! I guess if your parents and siblings let you down you can always hope the cat might come through for you!

1 comment:

Dominique said...

I love it, Parker figured out how to climb over his gate last week. I had taken the changing table out already that night because he had climb up in it. Craig found him at 10:00 naked from the waist down cleaning his room with baby wipes that he had gotten after he climbed the gate to get them and climb back over so he could clean! ARG!!!! So took the gate down and started putting him back in bed everytime he got out. After a week he is staying in bed and falling asleep before 10:00.