1. Jake has learned to drink out of a regular cup -- OK we realize many kids have accomplished this feat by 2 1/2 but we're happy for him! He' sure thinks he's a big boy!
2. Jake has decided he no longer needs to take an afternoon nap. He loves the extra times with his sister(s) but we sure miss the break!
3. Jake has begun to attempt telling Jokes. They go something like this:
Jake: Knock knock
Us: Who's there?
Jake: kitty
Us: Kitty who?
Jake: Kitty who - he he!
Jake: Knock knock
Us: Who's there?
Jake: moo
Us: Moo who?
Jake: moo who - he he!
repeat but insert different animals. I think it's time to teach him how to use a punch line!
4. Jacob has learned to actually play with Abby. In the past he merely tolerated her at best. Now that he is talking more they seem to be able to communicate better and therefore get along better. One of their favorite games to play together involves Abby setting up a laundry basket as Jacob's special seat and then pushing him all around the house in it. She brings him things to color in it, puts him down for "a nap" in it, they watch TV together in it... anything they can think of. It results in hours of entertainment for both of them!
5. Jacob has become obsessed with Bob the Builder and Thomas the Train. He sings Bob the Builder all the time and asks to watch the two shows on TV. They only come on at our house on Saturday which means 6 days a week we have a very disappointed little boy! I guess we know what can go on his Christmas list!
6. And the last surprise came last night -- it's a moment I anxiously wait for with each of our kids. When putting Jake to bed last night I told him, "I love you!" For the first time on his own he replied, "I wuv you". What more could a mother ask for?
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