Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bedtime Prayers

We typically lead Jacob in his bedtime prayers - we start with "Now I lay me" and he finishes with "down to sleep," and then we continue like that. After finishing that traditional prayer we say "God bless..." and then list our family members, relatives, etc. Last night he started goofing around during that part, just throwing in an "amen" here and there. I chuckled a bit. Tonight, we hardly made it through anything - it started with "Now I lay me...amen!" We eventually made it past that, but on the third line I started with "Watch me as I..." and rather than saying "run and play" Jake said "run and dude!" I tried it a few more times, but he wouldn't let the "dude" go, and I was laughing too much, so after we did "God bless...amen!" I just said good night. So, yep, he's got the silly gene.

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